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Sunday Worship Services

Morning Worship Service - Reverend Kenneth Koole
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Scripture Reading: Exodus 16
Sermon Text: Exodus 16: 1-31
THEME: Manna Sent from Heaven
I. Gracious Response to a Complaining People
II. Having a Pedagogical Purpose
III. Pointing to That One Bread of Life
Psalter Numbers: 264, 222, 213, 292

Evening Worship Service - Reverend Kenneth Koole
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Scripture Reading: Joel 2:12 ff
Sermon Text: Joel 2:18-27
THEME: The Years That the Locusts Have Eaten: To be Restored
I. When This Was to be Fulfilled
II. What Was to be (and is being) Restored
III. With What Promises Attached
Psalter Numbers: 379, 140, 294, 296

Young People’s Society
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Earlier Event: November 11
No Adult Bible Study
Later Event: November 16
Older Children's Catechism Classes